Sustainable wood products – for you and for nature

Our environmental policy


Forests play a critical role for the global environment, population and economy. They provide us with materials to build our communities, they contain energy to keep us warm and create oxygen for us to breathe. This is why circular thinking is in our DNA.

ESS-ENN Timber promotes a sustainable society by utilising resource-efficient working methods and making environmental considerations a natural part of our daily operations. We strive to conserve natural resources, avoid waste and minimize pollution. We openly report our environmental impact and communicate environmental issues to our customers, suppliers, employees and other stakeholders. We take environmental factors into account during procurement processes and strive to influence all our business relationships in a positive, sustainable and eco-friendly direction.


Nurturing the forest’s assets

We use only Swedish quality timber from well-managed forests and are certified according to the strict criteria of PEFC and FSC®.

eco-friendly heating

Powered by eco-friendly heating

We always think circularly. Our bioenergy boiler takes care of our residual waste and heats our own premises in an eco-friendly way.

young forest

Ensuring young forest regrowth

Young forest captures more CO2 than old forest. That is why we replant at least two new trees for each one felled, to the benefit of future generations.


Eco-friendly wood boards for the future

Our advanced manufacturing methods offer glued laminate boards that use only 0.02% glue. The rest is 100% solid, Swedish wood.

kretslopp mobil


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Cradle to Cradle Certified®

Cradle to Cradle Certified® is the world’s most advanced science-based, multi-attribute certification program for designing, making and verifying materials and products that are safe, circular and responsibly made. For more information on the Cradle to Cradle Certified Products Program and its requirements, please see Cradle to Cradle Certified® is a registered trademark of the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute.


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PEFC is a standard that guarantees that a product or service will be performed according to specified quality requirements. Forests holding PEFC certification are compliant with the specific requirements of Forest Europe, the political process for the sustainable management of the continent’s forests. The Federation of Swedish Farmers and forest owner associations are responsible for PEFC in Sweden.

Certificate number: DNVSE-PEFC-COC-196

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FSC® is an independent, international member organisation which promotes eco-friendly, socially responsible management of the world’s forests. This certification supports animals and plants under threat, the future ability of the soil to support forest growth, safe and healthy working conditions for people working in forests and the rights of indigenous populations.

Certificate number: DNV-COC-001396

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KD 56°C/30 min

The KD 56°C/30 min labelling means that the wood has been heat-dried. The treatment removes harmful insects and parasites that can hide in the wood, which reduces the risk of spreading them when exporting. The label also indicates that the wood meets the requirements for freedom from harmful organisms that have been imposed by most countries outside the EU on imports of wood and other wood products.

ESS-ENN KD certificate: SE-H25
Tibro Sågverk KD certificate: SE-08192

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Code of Conduct

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Code of Conduct